- Bird's nest help regulate the function of the endocrine system as well as other functions. It strengthen the body, moisture the skin, maintain beauty, provide energy and enhance the metabolism of fat.
- Latest medical research indicate that bird's nest contains anti-oxidants and can slow down aging process, radian skin complexion and slow down the effects of aging.
- Enhancing body's immune system through promotion of cell division caused by water-soluble glyco-protein.
- Healing illnesses connected to the respiratory system such as chronic cough, asthma or throat infection.
- Being described as 'the most ordinary yet sumptuous tonic', it gently regulates the body systems, nourishes kidney and lungs and smooth the stomach.
- Consumption of bird's nest during pregnancy can eliminate postnatal back pain, strengthen the baby's lungs and improve its complexion. It also help in regulating the endocrine system and speed up recovery after childbirth.
- For the elderly, regular consumption of bird's nest not only strengthens the tensons and bones, respiratory system and kidney, but also enhance metabolism.
- For children, regular consumption of bird's nest can enhance the absorption of nutrients and strengthen the function of the lungs.
- The Chinese medicine regards bird's nest as possessing a sweet taste, mild in nature, neither cold nor heaty, nourishing effects for better circulation of oxygen in the body.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Benefits of Consuming Bird's Nest
Bird's Nest contains very high water-soluble glyco-protein and are traditionally believed to provide health benefits such as:-